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Lowongan Management Trainee BUMN PT Timah (Persero) Tbk (BUMN Tambang Timah; Minimum Lulusan SLTA), Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di:

PT Timah (Persero) Tbk is a state-owned company engaged in tin mining currently we are opening career opportunity to as a sailor in our operational force (Cutter Suction Dredges, Geotin Ships, and Sea Transport) of PT Timah (Persero) Tbk with the position of Program Management Trainee (MT)

Program Management Trainee (MT)

General Requirements
  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
  • Submit a job application letter
  • Willing to follow the selection process, include:
    • Test Phase I (Psychological Test, Interview & English Test)
    • Test Phase II (Management Team Interview)
    • Test Phase III (Medical Check-Up)
  • Sound mind and body, free of illegal drugs and well-behaved
  • Not currently undergoing an official bond with other agencies
  • Willing to work throughout the PT Timah (Persero) Tbk operational area
Specific Requirements
Minimum Vocational / High School graduate and have a Sailor Certificate (COC) with qualifications as follow:
  • Having a certificate (COC) ANTD, ATTD with a minimum age 18 years old and maximum age 25 years old by December 25, 2013, preferably for those who already have other certificate (COP) such as BST, AFF (Advance Fire Fighting), SCRB (Survival Craft Rescue Boat)
  • Having a certificate (COC) ANT III*, ANT IV & ANT V, ATT III**,  ATT IV & ATT V with endorsement (confirmation certificates) which are valid at least until March 2014 with minimum age 18 years old and maximum age 35 years old by December 31, 2013, and preferably for those who already have other certificate (COP) such as BST, AFF (Advance Fire Fighting), SCRB (Survival Craft Rescue Boat), Radar Simulator, etc.
  • Having a valid Sailors Bookat least up to March 2014
  • Preferably male as will be placed in operational field
Required Documents
Application letter is submitted to the Hiring Committee along with:
  • Copies of diplomas and academic transcripts which have been legalized by the competent authority
  • Color photographs size 4 × 6 cm (2 pieces), write the name and date of birth in back side
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Copy of valid National ID Card (KTP)
  • A short curriculum vitae which listed contact number (phone / cellphone), email address and postal code
  • Attach the AK I card from Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi
  • Statement Letter, signed on Rp 6000 stamp-duty stated the willingness to be placed throughout the PT Timah (Persero) Tbk and Subsidiaries area ​​operational area
Selection Test Phase
Qualified applicants will be invited for following test:
  • Phase I Test (Psychological Test, Interview, and English Test) will be conducted by independent agency which is appointed by PT Timah (Persero) Tbk
  • Phase II Test (Management Team Interview) conducted by PT Timah (Persero) Tbk
  • Phase III Test (Medical Check-Up) conducted by Hospital / Third Party Clinic which is appointed by PT Timah (Persero) Tbk for applicant who pass the 2 phases above
Application Information
  • The complete application should be submitted directly to Kantor Disnakertrans Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, or send by post and should be received no later than December 24, 2013 (post mark) and addressed to: Disnakertrans Propinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Komplek Perkantoran Gubernur Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Jl. P. Pongo Air Itam, Pangkalpinang
  • Application submitted before this announcement and after December 24, 2013 (post mark) will not processed
  • During the recruitment and selection process there is no correspondence 
  • Costs incurred during the selection (accommodation and transport) are the responsibility of the participants 
  • Original education diplomas and transcripts should be carried and shown at Psychological Test registration
  • Notification for applicants to follow the selection process will be announced later 
  • Committee's decision is final and can not be contested 
* ANT III for position with qualification of ANT IV 
** ATT III for position with qualification of ATT IV 
COC = Certificate of Competency 
COP = Certificate of Proficiency